‘Doku von Dokness is a media library success! Dressel has passed the million mark - Our first documentary series ‘Tod für Olympia - Der Fall Birgit Dressel’ has passed the million mark in the ARD media library. In addition to the large audience that we were able to reach on TV - despite the late night broadcast time - the media library users have also become aware of our production. We are extremely happy about this and the usage figures show: It was the right idea to adapt the excellently researched and narrated story by author Yannick Lowin into a three-part series. Not least because of the re-enactment by Nils Loof, the overwhelming majority of the media library viewers watched the series in one go, i.e. all three episodes. In addition, in June no other documentary topic brought as many people from social networks to the ARD media library. Amazing! We are very proud that we have reached so many viewers with this rather unknown sports story.’ (Press release: Dokness)
"Tod für Olympia" - more than 1 million viewers!
ARD documentary series by Yannick Lowin and Nils Loof is a hit in the media library!